I can't remember how it came up in a conversation but when I was chatting with my brother-in-law Jared last week, somehow we started talking about Underdog. Underdog was one of my all-time favorite cartoons growing up and I fondly remember viewing myself an a underdog in my youth (The reruns used to come on Nickelodeon). Well, thanks to the new live-action movie, Underdog is enjoying a little come back. I saw the movie last week in Allentown and really enjoyed it. Although, it wasn't as good as the cartoon (most movies never live up to his cartoon origins), it was nice to see Underdog on the big screen.
Tisha brought me a few Underdog dvd's for the holidays and I can't wait to watch them. Maybe Alexander will enjoy watching the same superhero cartoon that I enjoyed watching as a child.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Allentown Baby Shower
A special thank you goes out to Tisha's family, friends and the First Baptist Church community for the wonderful baby shower that took place on Saturday.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Test Run
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I Got an Offer
Deputy Attorney General (?)
I got a call today from Delaware's Attorney General Office and they offered me a job in their family division. Tisha and I are very excited about this opportunity because we'll be close to family and friends as well as close to many teaching options for Tisha.I'm still waiting to hear back from Nelson Kinder in N.H. but its nice to know that I will be employed after law school.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Aunt Amy to the Rescue
Thanks Amy!
Car Seat...Check
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
First Snow
All Better
Thanks to a little TLC and R&R, Tisha is now feeling better and ready to get back into the swing of things. I went to birthing class all by myself last week and it was an experience. I was the only one there without their pregnant partner. The good part was that it wasn't a hands on class but a video day. We watched a few videos of child birth and then ended the class with a relaxation session.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Waiting Game
I got a call from Nelson Kinder Mosseau & Saturley, PC last night and they said that I have to wait a little bit for longer for a decision. Mr. Milligan explained to me that, "Things are really getting busy in the office, thus, the hiring process is taking longer than usual." He hopes that the hiring committee should be able to give me a decision in December.
The building on the right could be my place of employment.
On a different note, this is my last week of classes and my last week at Grayer & Dilday. Semester in Practice was really great experience and I am totally grateful for the opportunity to work at a law firm this term.
On a different note, this is my last week of classes and my last week at Grayer & Dilday. Semester in Practice was really great experience and I am totally grateful for the opportunity to work at a law firm this term.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Looking Straight Into The Future
Friday, November 16, 2007
Starting To Take Shape
Thanks Mom and Dad for coming up and spending time with Tisha, Alexander and I. Happy 17th Anniversary! Click on the pics to see more pictures.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sweet November
Monday, November 5, 2007

However, last night must have marked a shift in my psyche. Once again, I found myself playing football and I was operating in slow motion. But the difference was that the other players kept missing me. Although I was moving in slow motion, I was side stepping the competition and even outrunning a few of them. By the end of the dream, I scored three touchdowns and was carried off the field by J. Bergey. This dream marks a very significant change in my life. It serves as the last vestige of my old self. As I get ready to become a father and obtain employment after law school, I have to shed off the baggage that continues to hold me back. As the brothers in The Darjeeling Limited, had to literally leave their father's baggage behind, I had to figuratively shake off the feelings of disappointment that were holding me back from scoring (achieving) all these years.
I think God has big plans for the Brooks family and this was one giant step towards accomplishing the goals that God has set for us.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The Darjeeling Limited
Thank you Wes Anderson for making another wonderful movie. Be on the look out for a guest reviewer of The Darjeeling Limited on this blog.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Call Back
I received some great news today: Nelson Kinder wants me to travel to New Hampshire to interview with their partners. The interview will be next Wednesday at 1:30pm. I'm really looking forward to this great opportunity. As always, I'll keep you updated on the job front.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Caution Future Lawyer At Work
Lunch Break
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Matty Ice

Ryan For Heisman is where you can find cool shirts to celebrate Ryan's Heisman bid.
I love this city. Go Sox! Go Pats! Go BC!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I Also Heart Allentown
Trip Down Memory Lane
Friday, October 19, 2007
Baby Shopping
Job Season
Sunday, October 14, 2007
New Sitcom?

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Salem, MA
Today was a non-office day at work. My job today was to go to Essex County's Probate and Family Court to pull some files on our custody cases. I totally forgot that I was going to Salem during Halloween season. Since Salem is the unofficial Halloween town, the streets are decorated with all kinds of Halloween and Witch stuff. Tisha and I are going to try and come back up here to partake in the numerous scary activities
Click here to learn more about the Witch Trials.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Birthing Class
I felt Alexander kick today. It was the biggest little tap that I've ever felt. I'm going to love being a daddy!
Family Law
Monday, October 1, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Delaware Family Court

Thursday, September 27, 2007
-Mary Hewitt
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Good Friends and Good Times
Saturday, September 22, 2007
3 for 3

Friday, September 21, 2007
Meet Alexander Grant Brooks
To commensurate this joyous event, click on the link below:
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What To Do With 756?

Designer Mark Ecko, who purchased Barry Bond's 756th home run ball, has set up a Web site "Vote 756.com" that lets visitors vote on three options for the ball:
A) Give it to the Hall of Fame
B) Brand it with an asterisk before sending it to the Hall of Fame
C) Blast it into space on a rocket ship
Click on the banner to vote.
Is This The Face of a Lawyer?

I guess the lawyer vibe could be coming from the briefcase that I carry. The base-ball glove brown Coach brief was a gift from Rev Rice for being the Chapel President at Ursinus College. He gave me a gift certificate for my hard work and I went to the Coach outlet store in Lancaster, Pa. to find a bag and pay the difference.

I had this bag since 2002 and it still looks brand new. I didn't use it much at Harvard but I started carrying it in law school and always tote it along on my interviews and internships.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Preppy Is As Preppy Does
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
No News Is Good News
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Keep Pouring on the Experience
Friday, September 7, 2007
Hot Time in the City
Its was 94 degrees in Boston today and things were definitely heating up. I had a interview with Grayer & Dilday, a small firm that practices family law, for semester in practice and I was pretty excited about this opportunity. My good friend, Christine Lee, worked there last summer and had nothing but praises for this firm, so I anxiously got on the T and went over my resume in order to prepare myself for the interview. The interview was at 2:30 but since it was so hot outside, Tisha gave me a ride to Davis Square so I didn't have to wait outside for the bus in my suit. As we got closer and closer to the Park Street, I felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement so I pulled out my copy of The Catcher in the Rye, that I keep in my briefcase, and read a few pages to calm down. However, just then, the T stopped on the bridge just before the Charles MGH. After a few minutes, a voice came over the load speaker and announced that there was a communication problem on the red line and all trains were not permitted to move. Well, to make a long story short, we sat there for over 40 minutes waiting for the system to come back on. I called Grayer and told them my situation and they assured me that they would wait until I arrived. When the T finally started to inch towards the Charles MGH stop, the MBTA worker announced, "You get out now and walk to your destination or you can ride to the next stop but we're not sure how long its going to be before we move again." I sat there and thought about it for a few seconds and decided to walk from Charles MGH to Downtown Crossing. If any of you know Boston, this is not a nice little walk in the park. It's mostly up hill and accompanying the fact that I was wearing a suit in 94 degrees weather, needless to say, I was pretty sweaty by the time I got there. It took me a little while to find the place but once I got there, I gained my composer and knocked it out of the park. I start on Monday. I also have a crazy story to tell about the ride home but I'll spare you the details.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
With the rising cost of Cable and our new edition on the way, Tisha and I decided to downgrade our cable package. And when I say downgrade; I mean downgrade. A few years ago, we had HBO, Encore, and the sports package but in the name of saving money we decided to cut our cable bill and take away the premium channels. I didn't go into too much of a withdraw because I still had CNN, MSNBC, ESPN, TLC and the Discovery Channel. However, this time we are going all the way down to basic cable, which consist of NBC, ABC, Fox, CBS and a few other local broadcast stations. This is definitely going to be a big year for me. Many changes are in my future.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Mr. Heisman
I even did my final on Heisman Trophy winners for my computer programming class. The final was to create a program that worked and I wrote a simple "If-then" program that computed the Heisman trophy winners when you typed in a year or visa versa. I got an "A" in the class. That's why I was so surprised when I walked into one of the buildings at BC and saw Doug Flutie's 1984 Heisman sitting right there in the lobby. My heart skipped a beat as I examined the trophy that I dreamed about winning in Jr. High school and High School, but once reality sat in, I realized that I would probably never see one yet alone touch one. However, thanks to BC, another one of my dreams was fulfilled. Once again, I think this is another example of God telling me that I'm on the right track of life.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Semester in Practice
Due to the BC Law lottery system, I was selected for Semester in Practice and I'm pretty excited about it. Basically, it's a program that allows me to apply the skills that I learned in the classroom and acquire the skills that are not taught in the classroom. Hopefully, I'll get a placement at a Family Law firm or clerk for Probate judge but nothing is guaranteed. My back up placement is working in a Elderly Law Firm, Margolis & Cohen.
I mailed over 40 resumes today. Let's pray that I get a few interviews
Margolis & Cohen, LLP begins its representation of many clients with a comprehensive estate and long-term care planning evaluation. This evaluation dictates the best planning strategies to pursue in order to meet the estate planning and long-term health care objectives of the client. The attorneys examine all aspects of the client's financial well-being and issue a follow-up letter which summarizes the client's unique situation, reviews the law, and explains our recommendations for the best possible estate plan for the client. The complex and every evolving rules of Medicaid play an increasingly important role with respect to traditional estate planning concerns.Well, either way, this is going to be a great semester.
I mailed over 40 resumes today. Let's pray that I get a few interviews
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Beginning of The End
Today was the first day of my last year in law school and it was bittersweet. It was weird to walk around knowing that you are now the top dog on campus. 1Ls and 2Ls will look upon me for advice and the teachers will reminisce about how I was a wide-eyed 1L just minutes ago. However, on the other hand, this is the year that counts. I have to find a job and this is probably the last time I will see some of your classmates. 3L year is definitely bittersweet.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
One Crazy Summer
Today is officially the last weekend of the summer for me. Monday is the first day of school and I have Semester in Practice in the morning and Mediation in the late afternoon. Although I'm not looking forward to the end of the summer, I am looking forward to the beginning of the semester. I have a few interviews lined up in September and I'm actually taking classes that will enhance my lawyering skills. Thus, I want to take some time to thank the Lord for blessing me with this great summer and a soon to be great fall! It's Harvest Time!
I leave you with a video of the fireworks finale in Oak Bluffs to truly mark the end of summer.
I leave you with a video of the fireworks finale in Oak Bluffs to truly mark the end of summer.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Bring the Noise
Our Baby's Heartbeat.mp3
Do The Right Thing
After hearing so many stories about Spike Lee on the Vineyard, I finally have a Spike Lee story of my own. One morning while I was running, I noticed a short black man in a black Mercedes SUV with New York tags drive past me. It sort of looked like Spike Lee so I cut my run short and turned around in the opposite direction. I noticed that the SUV stopped in the parking lot of Our Market which is the general store in Oak Bluffs (and also the place where I met Henry Louis Gates, Jr 7 years ago). I saw that the man was still in the SUV talking on the phone so I pretended like I was stretching to get a better look. It was indeed Spike Lee. Since he was still sitting in his car, I decided to go in the store and look at the magazines until he entered. However, when I got to the door, I realized that the store was still closed. It was 6:55am and the store didn't open until 7. As I turned away from the door, I noticed that Spike was looking directly at me, while still talking on the phone. I wanted to walk over and introduce myself but I didn't want to be rude so I just gave him a wave. Spike returned the wave with a shake of his fist and a slight head nod. I wish I had my camera on me but its kind of foolish to run 3 to 6 miles with a camera hanging from your arm. However, I may have to reconsider that kind of foolishness if it means taking a picture with people you admire in a place that you love.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Lax on South Beach
This is a video of CJ and I playing catch on South Beach in Martha's Vineyard. Usually, when we go to the beach, we go to the one in Edgartown but this time we went to South Beach (and we were not disappointed). Although the water got pretty choppy towards the end of the week, the beach was shell free. This is also my first video post on YouTube.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Great Trip
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Summering on the Vineyard
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