Tisha and I are really turning it up a notch this week as far as the baby is concerned. Today, we took our first trip to Babies 'R Us and was overwhelmed at the number of products out there. However, since Tisha did her homework, we quickly realized that they didn't have half of the stuff that is advertised on the Internet. Tomorrow is another big day because we are visiting the hospital where our baby will be delivered. Once a month on Tuesday nights, the hospital have a meet the doctors night, where people can have personal conversations with the doctors and choose the one that will be their Ob/Gyn throughout the pregnancy and the delivery.
Click on the picture for the mackdaddy of strollers
On a non-baby note, my good friend Devaka is back in town. We graduated from Divinity School together and now he his back at Harvard for his Ph.d. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with him and visiting jazz clubs just like the old days.
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