Constantly Evolving Into The Man God Wants Me To Be

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Caution Future Lawyer At Work

Since I was in a picture taking mood today, I decided to take a few pictures around the office.
Click on the photo to see more pictures.

Lunch Break

Since I missed the World Series Parade in 2004, I decided to join in on the celebration this year during my lunch break. Click on the photo to see more pictures.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Matty Ice

BC may have another Heisman trophy winner on their hands in Senior QB, Matt Ryan. I remember watching Ryan's heroic comeback a few years ago, when the starting QB couldn't get it together and now he is a full blown Heisman contender. According to ESPN's Heisman Watch, Ryan is number 2 in the unofficial polls. Find out more about Heisman candidate Matt Ryan at MattyIce.

Ryan For Heisman is where you can find cool shirts to celebrate Ryan's Heisman bid.

I love this city. Go Sox! Go Pats! Go BC!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Also Heart Allentown

I think God is really making a strong case for moving back to the De/Pa area. My interview went well on Friday and Tisha and I really enjoyed visiting our families. I won't hear back from the Family Court until early December, so in the mean time, keep us in your prayers.

Trip Down Memory Lane

Thank you Alexander for giving me a chance to relive my childhood. I'm looking forward to all the wonderful memories that we will share together.

I took the liberty of scanning a few photos from my childhood and posting them in the gallery. Click on the photo for more pictures.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Baby Shopping

Future Mother and Future Grandmother shopping for Alexander. Click on the photo to see more pictures.

Job Season

I heart Delaware. Tisha and I had a great time at our favorite restaurant with my favorite recruiters, Colleen and Carey from Delaware's Attorney General's Office. They were recruiting in Boston this week and gave me a call to hang out. Last year, we went to the Armani restaurant but this year we went to Joe's American Bar & Grill on Newbury Street. Great times with great people which may lead to a great job.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

New Sitcom?

I was watching Everybody Hates Chris a few weeks ago when I had this great idea. Why not write a sitcom about my life at Tatnall? However, instead of writing about my life at a private school(class, prom and sports), I would set the show during the summers when I worked maintenance with Sid and his brother, Steve. Those summers were some of the best times of my life and I think the concept would work well as a sitcom because of the crazy host of characters who worked at maintenance while I was there. I worked every summer while I was at Tatnall so I have tons of funny stories to tell. Sid and I talk every week about possible show ideas and I'm currently looking into books on how to write a pilot. As always, I'll keep you informed on the development of this great idea.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Salem, MA

Today was a non-office day at work. My job today was to go to Essex County's Probate and Family Court to pull some files on our custody cases. I totally forgot that I was going to Salem during Halloween season. Since Salem is the unofficial Halloween town, the streets are decorated with all kinds of Halloween and Witch stuff. Tisha and I are going to try and come back up here to partake in the numerous scary activities

Click here to learn more about the Witch Trials.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Birthing Class

Tisha and I just signed up for birthing and nursing classes at Mount Auburn Hospital. I'm not sure what to expect but as always I will keep you informed. Click on the picture to see more pictures.
I felt Alexander kick today. It was the biggest little tap that I've ever felt. I'm going to love being a daddy!

Family Law

The major thing that I am learning at Grayer & Dilday is that divorces are messy. Working with husbands and wives who are going through ugly divorces makes me appreciate my own marriage. For example, I was in court all day on Friday for a divorce case, which was highly contested. Certain assets had to be divided between the parties and the issue of health insurance and credit card debts where major sticking points. The other lawyer was playing hard ball for most of the day so a settlement was unlikely. I really enjoyed being in court and reading through depositions in order to zing the other side with a direct quote. Grayer felt I did a great job on Friday so he asked me to help prepare for a million dollar case that we are negotiating in a few weeks. Although we ended up settling the case by the end of the day, the animosity of the wife towards the husband was a chilling reminder of the ugliness of the divorce process. The division of assets and debts are things that you don't even worry about as you're living together. Taking out college loans for your children and buying property that you want to retire in; all have to be dissected under the scrutiny of two lawyers and a judge who gets the final decision if a compromise can't be reached. I didn't just learn a lot about family law last week but I learned a lot life as well. The experience made me want to run home, kiss my wife, and thank God that our relationship will never get to the point where separation is an option.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Mommy Chic

Click here for more pictures.