Constantly Evolving Into The Man God Wants Me To Be

Friday, August 31, 2007

Semester in Practice

Due to the BC Law lottery system, I was selected for Semester in Practice and I'm pretty excited about it. Basically, it's a program that allows me to apply the skills that I learned in the classroom and acquire the skills that are not taught in the classroom. Hopefully, I'll get a placement at a Family Law firm or clerk for Probate judge but nothing is guaranteed. My back up placement is working in a Elderly Law Firm, Margolis & Cohen.
Margolis & Cohen, LLP begins its representation of many clients with a comprehensive estate and long-term care planning evaluation. This evaluation dictates the best planning strategies to pursue in order to meet the estate planning and long-term health care objectives of the client. The attorneys examine all aspects of the client's financial well-being and issue a follow-up letter which summarizes the client's unique situation, reviews the law, and explains our recommendations for the best possible estate plan for the client. The complex and every evolving rules of Medicaid play an increasingly important role with respect to traditional estate planning concerns.
Well, either way, this is going to be a great semester.

I mailed over 40 resumes today. Let's pray that I get a few interviews

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